The Fresh Take On Card Grading In The UK
At Pocket Card Grading, we pride ourselves on genuine adoration for our collectables. We knew that the UK Grading scene needed something more than a carbon copy of our American brethren.
That is why PCG was built with these 4 main aspects to our card grading mantra
How Do We Grade Cards?
The PCG Grading Scale
By using our industry leading service, your cards will be put through our rigorous grading scale, it has been completely redesigned from the ground up to better grade the condition of your card (doing away with the outdated standard that every company uses) – the PCG grading scale is the best way to grade your cards
The Best Graded Card Slab
The Pocket Card Grading Acrylic Slab
We developed this slab to meet the high standards that we expect from a Grading Company
- Custom Design – Maybe it’s just us, but we were sick of the PSA-style slab before it flooded the UK Grading market
- Pure Acrylic – Making it stronger, beautifully clearer & safer for your cards
- No Sleeves – Sleeves hide any imperfections & allow graders to rush grades
- Perfect Fit – We develop each slab for different-sized cards to ensure minimal movement, we aren’t a ‘one size fits all’ grading company!
Finally, A Graded Label With Detail!
Detail Your Graded Cards Have Never Seen Before
Label design might seem unimportant, but we have seen so many grading companies fall short on this front
The Pocket Card Grading label was made to be clean and minimal, with an ultra-premium quality to it.
All our information is clear & unabbreviated, with your cards grade on full display. The reverse has room for optional info text, a QR code that links to the database (next tab) and a barcode for the graded card collectors, who like to catalogue their collection
Free Graded Reports!
Why Cant Grading Companies Keep It Simple?
Our PCG Database (built by Pokehudd) is so simple to read & use, all graded cards are input in such a way that it is imposibble to create duplicates, rest assured that your population report is 100% accurate
From the PCG Database page you will also have access to FREE (thats right) card reports, outlining where the imperfections on your graded card are
Im Ready To Send Some Cards To PCG For Grading, But I Have Some Questions..
How Should I Send My Cards?
When posting your cards to PCG, we always say to pack them in a way that makes you feel that the cards are safe.
We recommend cards be in sleeves, then put in toploaders or semi rigid card holders for peace of mind (you can get some great ones here) all of these will be returned to you with your graded cards
Will My Cards Be Safe?
Yes, safety and protection are our biggest priorities – aside from our insurance for all declared card submissions, all cards are stored in a locked safe before processing, and are only removed when they are ready for grading.
The office is in a double locked building, and the gated estate we work from has personel on site 24/7
How Long Until I Get My Graded Cards Back?
After we receive your cards for grading, you will get an email notifying you that they are safe and ready for grading. We typically ask to allow up to 4 weeks until your graded cards are sent back, our average return time is between 2-3 weeks

Why Choose PCG Over Any Other Card Grading Company?
It’s a perfectly valid question, the UK is spoilt for choice on who to send our cards to for grading
Before we give you our reasons for choosing PCG, here are some of our latest reviews
Customer Reviews

Great experience from start to finish. The grading and encapsulation service is fantastic. The grade reports you get with your grading are thorough and detailed. Spot things the untrained eye easily miss. The metal grade cards are a nice touch and easily replace the card in your binders. QR code on the labels takes you to their online database where you can view and download the grade report. Customer service is fantastic too very attentive.

PCG is excellent in every way. They went above and beyond to get my son’s cards graded for him within a very tight deadline. The service from start to finish was impeccable. Really can’t rate these guys highly enough. Please don’t hesitate to get your cards graded with them, they do a superb job! The graded cards my son received are amazing. Just want to say a huge THANK YOU.

After several submissions to Pocket Card Grading (PCG), I can safely say they are the best grading company I’ve used. The attention to detail when grading is impressive and the fact you can see this in a free grading report or opt for a video report is what builds trust in this market. Their unique grading scale offers a fair, reliable and repeatable system where you aren’t left feeling like you’ve been gifted a high grade or hard done by. The slab and label compliment the cards more so than any other slab I own. The crystal clear case takes nothing away from the card itself. The price and turnaround times are going to be very hard to beat. I can safely say I’ll be using this company for the foreseeable future. Keep up the good work Pocket Card Grading!

Awesome company. Customer service is second to none, so humble and honest. Need more companies like this in the community. Slabs are amazing, crystal clear acrylic, unique and not a copy cat of the other slabs flooding the UK market! Full transparency with their pop report and sub grades on a separate card to your slab. Just started accepting Metazoo and Digimon with more TCG’s most likely round the corner, watch this space… PCG are here to change the UK grading game 🔥

So I’m not actually a man named Thomas Riggerson, I review grading companies discreetly, for pocket card grading I might have been the worst customer they’ve ever had and they handled it professionally, helpfully and all around provided a great experience (even to the most annoying of customers) cannot recommend them enough on that front. In regards to the grades and the slab. The grades hold up, nothing else to say, they are just as accurate as any well known company you may know and you cannot deny they are the only company offering something truly different with there slabs. For the me the smaller slab is amazing, the reason I collect cards is because they are small and fun little collectibles. It’s great to have that extra info and protection without almost doubling the size. Not to mention the separate card with the subgrades on, lovely touch and very high quality
So overall. Customer service 10/10. Grade 10/10. Slab 10/10. Value for money 10/10

Of course, I should try and convince you why PCG is the best UK Grading company, but speaking as a collector, and not as somebody running a business – Everything we have done at PCG is to innovate and never compromise. That’s not just a cheesy slogan, so what does that mean?
We listed out what every card grading company could improve upon, and did it ourselves. All in one service.
Look at grading scales (the most important part of card grading) everyone else uses the old 1-10 or 4 standard subgrades – We dismantled this and built 4 new subgrades which have already shown their advantage in the grading world.
And what about slabs? other than a small percentage of grading companies, it’s the same old Chinese PSA slab. We wanted the best slab in the best material! Yes, other companies have custom slabs in acrylic – but I bet you can’t find one that doesn’t have the cards rattle or use sleeves, another compromise we weren’t willing to take.
We have made lots of gradual improvements & alterations over the last few years, except for our grading reports, they have been what we wanted from day 1. Not only have we always wanted an answer to ‘why did my card get this grade?’ for years – We also feel that as a young grading company, we are required to show you exactly why you should trust us. The grading reports should be standard across the board, and they should not be held behind a paywall.
To sum up, as a massive nerd who has more trading cards & video game memorabilia than my wife approves of – Pocket Card Grading is everything I wanted to see in a grading company, and I hope it can be for you
We Understand There Are Always Doubts & Concerns About Grading Your Cards
"I Don't Really Get The Point Of Grading Cards"
What is the point of a screen protector for your phone?
Card grading may not be for everyone – We choose to do it for the love & preservation of our cards (plus it is nice to have a higher graded version of a card your friend has!)
It is NOT about increasing your resell value – anyone telling you that is recruiting you into a pyramid scheme
"I Don't Want To Risk My Cards In The Post"
At Pocket Card Grading, we completely respect & understand to concern about posting treasured cards, if sending with the largest insurance isn’t comforting enough – reach out to us about the card collection service we are working on! We will pick up your cards & you will get your graded cards back direct from us at PCG
"I Already Have Favourite Grading Company"
Variety is the spice of life, my friend!
Ultimately you should grade your cards with whoever works best for you – If we aren’t what you are looking for, then don’t settle for anything less than what is available here at Pocket Card Grading!